Communicable Diseases Genomics Network

Working Groups

CDGN Working Groups


Teaching, training & curriculum

This expert reference group is responsible for reviewing, developing, and implementing high-quality, end-to-end training programs across wet lab, bioinformatics, quality, and reporting, that increase the capacity for individuals and organisations to take part in public health pathogen genomics activities.


The CDGN Salmonella working group has temporarily merged with the AusPathoGen Salmonella working group to align efforts in the coordination and standardisation of approaches to sequencing, analysis, and reporting of Salmonella enterica for public health.


The Metagenomics working group was established in 2023 with the aim to support, coordinate and harmonise approaches to sequencing, analysis, and reporting of metagenomics. This is achieved through the discussion and presentation of ideas, methods, and issues across jurisdictions.


The CDGN Tuberculosis working group has temporarily merged with the AusPathoGen Tuberculosis working group to align efforts in the coordination and standardisation of approaches to sequencing, analysis, and reporting of Mycobacterium tuberculosis for public health.

wastewater surveillance

The Wastewater Surveillance working group is a time-limited group established in 2023 to facilitate the discussion and harmonise approaches to wastewater pathogen genomic surveillance across Australia and New Zealand in order to support the development of best practice methodologies.


The CDGN supported the national COVID-19 response by conducting ongoing monitoring and surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 variants to inform Australia’s national approach in detecting and reporting of Variants of Concern (VOC), Variants of Interest (VOI), and Variants Under Monitoring (VUM).